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Santo Domingo Savio

The company´s origin was in the Salesiano school construction in Priego de Córdoba city (the actual secondary education high school). When the works finished, D. Antonio Altarejos García, its promoter, encouraged Antonio Ruiz-Ruano to start a business on their own.


He suggested that the company that Antonio created was called Santo Domingo. Domingo was a boy that was born in 1842 and was a Don Juan Bosco disciple and inspiration to found the Salesiana Congregation.


In distinction to the Mr. Antonio Altarejos help given, in the company´s origin and his porpoise of use Santo Domingo as a conductive element with the salesian essence, we wanted to dedicate some explanatory paragraphs, talking about its origin, the work in the world of education, values, principles,thinkings.


The Salesians work in the young people formation and education is the base in better society creation and, although our organization don´t have catholic connotations, we think that our admiration and acknowledgement we are bringing in the name of our company.


The Salesians work in 128 countries and have a great buildings that include schools, youth centers, churches, attention to the child in the street centers, missionary centers and the official and non-governmental organizations collaboration in more needed youth benefit. The Salesian Family is formed for a great number of religious and secular high schools of which the main ones are the Sociedad de San Francisco de Sales, the Hijas de María Auxiliadora, the Asociación de Salesianos Cooperadores y the Asociación de Exalumnos Salesianos. There are more than 16,092 salesians in the world.


The salesians pedagogy. San Juan Bosco was an exceptional educator. His acute intelligence, his common sense and deep spirituality bring him to create an educative system that converted the complete person (body, mind, heart)


The salesian education, telling for the own congregation, favors the increase and the freedom, putting the youth in the centre of their educative work.


To distinguish its method than the represive educative system dominat in XIX century in Italy, the salesians recover the self-steem,   trying to prevent the punishment, putting the kids in an atmosphere animating them to give the best. It´s a friendly and integral education approach. It create an environment where the educator delimit the best for the kids, animating to the complete expresion of themselves, helping the kids to get actitudes to choose what is good, healthy, funny and that make them belive in life.



Salesians values

The true is the filosofic finish that involve the respectful and tolerant dialogue.

The kindness is the racional and affective actitud of cordial treatment that emerge the conviction that every person has a non condicionated dignity.

The Trasdencense is the cristian and salesian ideal that consist in the spirituallity of the human being relationed with God and its similars.

The Responsability is the personal commintment with the effective function execution in a qualificated and humanizated way.

The Solidarity is the sensitive comminentemt with the others members of the institucional comunity, the church and society support.
The Honesty is the belief and practices transparence that is reflected in matures and cordials interpersonal relations.


We hope don´t forget the company´s origin and that the Santo Domingo names guide us to get our projects, with a great effort an dedication, to a good finish.  The maximum distinction is offered to Antonio Ruiz-Ruano Medina that continuous living with  us by his crations, education, professional formacion... All as a result of the evidence an effort, charm and honsty.




Camino Del Fontanal, S/n
14800 Priego de Córdoba (Córdoba)
957 54 15 04 / Fax 957 54 34 76